ACE 400 Metal Detector by Garrett
Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with 8.5″ x 11″ PROformance DD Waterproof Submersible Search Coil, Coil Cover, ClearSound Headphones, ACE Environmental Cover Up, Adjustable Arm Strap, Batteries, and a 2-Year Warranty.
The Garrett ACE 400 is an outstanding all-encompassing metal detector at a great price. The device is very easy to tune and use and it is recommended for beginners as well as seasoned hunters.
The Garrett ACE 400 metal detector is perfect for allowing you to hunt and find ancient coins, jewelry, buried treasure, and real relics! It can be used in many areas and situations such as in the woods or grassy fields, dry beach/freshwater, and even competition events.
Garrett has combined many impressive features into the ACE 400 – superior detection depth, rugged, durable design, and simplistic operation — for a price that can’t be beaten.
The ACE 400 Metal Detector Features:
- Iron Audio
- Digital Target ID
- New higher frequency (10 kHz)
- Adjustable Frequency
- New Camlocks
- Pulse-Width Modulation audio
- Enhanced Iron Resolution
- Electronic Pinpointing
- Notch Discrimination
- Five Search Modes,
- Eight (8) Sensitivity/Depth adjustments
- Coin Depth Indicator.
The Garrett ACE 400 metal detector is ideal for Coin Hunting, Jewelry Hunting, Relic Hunting, Cache Hunting, Prospecting, Competition Events – even Dry Beach/Fresh Water Hunting.
Charles Garrett says "Our ACE detectors offer excellent depth, rugged design, and performance at a price only Garrett can offer. It’s no surprise that our ACEs have become the world’s most popular metal detectors.”
The king of ACEs! The ACE 400 offers advanced features like Iron Audio, Digital Target ID, and Frequency Adjust to allow you to FIND MORE TREASURE and less trash. Another reason why you need the ACE 400!
Further Features